mixed RTL and LTR docs

Will be happy for your support
I am writnig a doc in Hebrew - Right to Left (RTL) language
Whenever I add a RTL resorce with 2 authors it adds a the letter that function in hebrew as "and" functions in eng but doesnt leave a space. How can I fix it?
At the same document I want to add an Eng resource with 2 authors - how can it add the eng "and" and not the hebrew letter (since i defined it an hebrew doc at document style)?
  • You might want to have a look into Juris-M, which is a Zotero variant with special multilingual needs. Also for bidi docs, I'd advise you to use LibreOffice instead of Word as the former seems to be more robust in this regard (https://github.com/Juris-M/zotero/issues/59).

    Regarding your question: What do you mean with "it adds a the letter that function in hebrew as "and" functions in eng but doesnt leave a space"? Shouldn't the "ve" be attached to the second word, like "ani ve-ata"?

    Can you give an example of
    a) your requirements
    b) the current output

    If you need apply different terms for Hebrew references and other references, you'll need to use the extended CSL-M language. (CSL is used with Zotero, CSL-M is used with Juris-M, but you can need CSL-M also with Zotero if you need. But as said before, Juris-M might be worth a try anyway.)

  • Thanks! didn't check the Juris yet but with the zotero I can work with google docs
    2 references - one in hebrew and one in english

    This is the output i get now when at the document preferences the defined language is English (marked in bold the issues/problems - “and” instead of “ve” and left alignment)

    (ברוך and רז 2012)

    (Kevin Stolarick and Richard Florida 2005; Robert Costanza et al. 2014)

    Kevin Stolarick, and Richard Florida. 2005. ‘Creativity, Connections and Innovation: A Study of Linkages in the Montréal Region’. Environment and Planning A 38 (10): 1799–1817. https://doi.org/10.1068/a3874.
    Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski, Enrico Giovannini, Hunter Lovins, Jacqueline McGlade, Kate E Pickett, Kristín Ragnarsdóttir, Debra Roberts, Roberto Vogli, and Richard Wilkinson. 2014. ‘Development: Time to Leave GDP Behind’. Nature News 505 (7483): 283. https://doi.org/10.1038/505283a.
    ברוך, גילי, and אסף רז. 2012. ‘פיתוח בנגב ולא פיתוח הנגב – ההזדמנות הגלומה בהחלפת אות אחת’. אקולוגיה וסביבה 1: 115–16.

    This is the output i get now when at the document preferences the defined language is Hebrew (marked in bold the issues/problems - no space between the authors, added the hebrew translation for et al. in an ENG resource, aded “ve” iinsted of “and” and left alignment at the bibliography)

    (ברוךורז 2012)

    (Kevin StolarickוRichard Florida 2005; Robert Costanzaואחרים 2014)

    ברוך, גילי, ואסף רז. 2012. “פיתוח בנגב ולא פיתוח הנגב – ההזדמנות הגלומה בהחלפת אות אחת”. אקולוגיה וסביבה 1: 115–16.
    Kevin Stolarick, וRichard Florida. 2005. “Creativity, Connections and Innovation: A Study of Linkages in the Montréal Region”. Environment and Planning A 38 (10): 1799–1817. https://doi.org/10.1068/a3874.
    Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski, Enrico Giovannini, Hunter Lovins, Jacqueline McGlade, Kate E Pickett, Kristín Ragnarsdóttir, Debra Roberts, Roberto VogliוRichard Wilkinson. 2014. “Development: Time to leave GDP behind”. Nature News 505 (7483): 283. https://doi.org/10.1038/505283a.

    This is how I need it to be
    (ברוך ורז 2012)

    (Kevin Stolarick and Richard Florida 2005; Robert Costanza et al. 2014)

    ברוך, גילי, ואסף רז. 2012. “פיתוח בנגב ולא פיתוח הנגב – ההזדמנות הגלומה בהחלפת אות אחת”. אקולוגיה וסביבה 1: 115–16.
    Kevin Stolarick, and Richard Florida. 2005. ‘Creativity, Connections and Innovation: A Study of Linkages in the Montréal Region’. Environment and Planning A 38 (10): 1799–1817. https://doi.org/10.1068/a3874.
    Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski, Enrico Giovannini, Hunter Lovins, Jacqueline McGlade, Kate E Pickett, Kristín Ragnarsdóttir, Debra Roberts, Roberto VogliוRichard Wilkinson. 2014. “Development: Time to leave GDP behind”. Nature News 505 (7483): 283. https://doi.org/10.1038/505283a.
  • Ok, I see.

    You'll need to use CSL-M where you can test for the language of an item. That means you'll need to edit you CSL style. Which one are you using? Do you know how to do that?
    The relevant information is here: https://citeproc-js.readthedocs.io/en/latest/csl-m/#cs-layout-extension, but basically you'll need a structure like this:

    <layout locale="he">
    <text macro="layout-citation-hebrew"/>
    <text macro="layout-citation-en"/>

    If the only difference is localization, you could probably even use this:

    <layout locale="he">
    <text macro="layout-citation"/>
    <text macro="layout-citation"/>

    This should get you the right locales. The next step would be to get directionality right and to fix things like "(ברוךורז 2012)" instead of "(ברוך ורז 2012)". I am not sure why this happens here. Someone else has an idea? @bwiernik @adamsmith ?

    Concerning Google Docs: I am not 100% sure, but as Juris-M is based on Zotero, writing with Google Docs should work here as well. Perhaps @fbennett could clarify?
  • Thanks again. Apperently I am not familiar with the CSL or writing code - where and how
  • What style are you using?
  • edited May 11, 2020
    Chicago manual of style 17th (author-date)
  • Ok:
    Here's a style that changes locales: https://gist.github.com/denismaier/ce7bec68491beef2a97a3078b897a20d

    You'll need to set the document language to English (even if the main language is Hebrew), and add "he" to each Hebrew reference => Hebrew references are formatted with Hebrew localization, everything else defaults to English.

    With this I get this result: https://imgur.com/a/31YbNlZ

    It's not perfect. There's still the issue with the missing space before ve: "(ברוךורז 2012)". Also, in the bibliography are some glitches with the quotes.
    But at least that's a start. The other thing probably require some bug hunting. I'll post on github.

  • Hi Asaf, and Meier.de,
    I am just about to introduce Zotero in a public lecture (two weeks from now) to Hebrew/Arabic scholars. Up to now I always said that for RTL languages, they can use everything but the in-doc citation and bibliography. Is there an update you can share - that would not include them having to tinker with code?
  • Hey @historyofconcepts, nothing that I'm aware of.

    Given the needs of your audience I suggest you introduce them to Jurism, https://juris-m.github.io/. @fbennett has just posted a blogpost that nicely describes multilingual items: https://juris-m.github.io/posts/2020-11-08-0.html
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