Zbib use case

I just wanted to show appreciation for the zoterobib-project. I'm not sure if this is the right place, but hopefully some of the relevant people will see it here. I know you present it as a tool for quick and easy references, but my use was a bit more large scale than that.

The last two years I've worked as an advisor to the Norwegian Election Act Commission writing their report on the Norwegian electoral system. Writing a ~400 pages report without reference managing software was not something I looked forward to and I was unable to convince IT to let me install Zotero. Fortunately I remembered the zoterobib-project and all the references in the report ended up being created in one large zoterobib-page. As you'll see on the pages 407-414 this worked really well for our purposes and saved us from a great deal of stress/frustration. I did not experience any problems with stability during the project.

Thank you so much for making my life easier! The zoterobib-page is really awesome!

You can find the report here:

And more about the Commission in Norwegian here:

  • That's great to hear — thanks.

    It probably wasn't available when you started this project, but just to note, the new Zotero web library has "Add by Identifier" functionality that's equivalent to ZoteroBib, and it has the benefit of storing your data permanently, among many other benefits. So for a new long-term project, I would recommend using that if the Zotero desktop app wasn't an option.

    (If someone was committed to using ZoteroBib instead of the Zotero web library for a longer-term project, I'd just caution to be sure to regularly back up your bibliography using the "Link to this version" function. ZoteroBib will store data within your browser's local storage by default, but the permanence of that storage varies by browser — e.g., I believe Safari will now delete it if you don't visit a site for 7 days — so to be safe you'd want to create a linked version if you've made changes and are not going to work on it for a while.)
  • Thanks for the tip. I think that's correct.

    I didn't know the web version of Zotero could export a simple bibliography from selected entries. The web version looks much nicer than before.
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