Looking for solution for attaching supplement .pdf

Hi,I found very useful to attach supplement materials with normal papers since some valuable information can only be found in this part. But when I tried to drag the pdf file to a reference with pdf, the default movement was to create a new reference. I failed to solve this problem even after I modified the hidden supplement... setting as someone suggested in history posts.

ps. I do not know if anybody agree with me that linking comments and authors' answer to published paper would be more useful than creating separate items even though they have their own DOI/PMIDs. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
  • edited October 14, 2020
    But when I tried to drag the pdf file to a reference with pdf, the default movement was to create a new reference.
    No, you're missing the item if that's happening. You can drag any PDF on top of an item to add a child item. To be clear, you need to drag to the parent item, not below it.
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