Help: Zotero Integration Error


I have tried several things to get my Zotero integrate with word, to no avail.
I am on a Mac:

(1) I went to Zotero preferences and installed the word add-in. It is currently installed.
(2) I went to Tools → Add-ons in Zotero and disabled/re-enabled the integration. I re-started Zotero and word after.
(3) After that didn't work, I deleted and re-downloaded Word (a pre- 16.XX version) because another post said that would help.
(4) After that, I was able to install the add-in to word. I re-tried steps 1 and 2 after this.
(5) I am now stuck. There is no Zotero toolbar in word. I see an "Add-ins" tab that shows some zotero tools, but when I press one, I get the following error:

"Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

The operation couldn't be completed. (OSStatus error -1743.) @[getDocument:application.m:81]"

Does anyone have any recommendation for what to try next?
  • After that didn't work, I deleted and re-downloaded Word (a pre- 16.XX version) because another post said that would help.
    I don't know what post you're referring to, but this is absolutely not something you should do. You'll need to install a current version of Word before we can help further.
  • edited October 3, 2020
    (Unless you're saying that you were running a pre-16.XX version before as well. Regardless, you need to upgrade to a current version.)
  • I did this following this thread:

    The user said "The 16.x versions of Word for Mac (which are “Insider” beta versions) have numerous issues with Add-ons (including Zotero). You should downgrade to the current stable Word version (15.41)."

    I was able to solve the whole issue by upgrading from Zotero 4 to Zotero 5! If anyone else is having trouble, that is a potential solution.

    I also went back and re-installed the updated version of word.

    If the linked thread is really bad advice, it might be helpful to comment that since ignorant people like myself follow it!
  • edited October 3, 2020
    That's from January 2018 and regarded a beta version of Word at the time, so that's long since irrelevant — we added compatibility about a week after that. There are tens of thousands of threads here, so there's no way for us to go back and update every old thread. It's critical to check the date before following any advice you find. When in doubt, just post here first.
    I was able to solve the whole issue by upgrading from Zotero 4 to Zotero 5!
    Zotero 5 came out in 2017, and you should've been auto-upgraded years ago. You should make sure that your Zotero is able to check for updates so that you stay current.
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