Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (German) ZfE


First of all I wanted to say that I am grateful for the Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft (ZfE) citation style.

I have noticed a couple of deviations from the ZfE manuscript guidelines:


1) The line spacing should be 1.15 instead of 2(?).

2) In the ZfE journal itself, there is a : after Zugegriffen, i.e. Zugegriffen: instead of just Zugegriffen when citing sources with a link. There also has to be a point after the access date.
Guideline version:
Beispiel für ein Internet-Dokument:
Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland (2000). Bevölkerungsentwicklung Deutschlands bis zum Jahr 2050. Ergebnisse der 9. koordinierten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung,
Wiesbaden. http://www.destatis.de/download/veroe/bevoe.pdf. Zugegriffen: 20. Juni 2005.
Current output:
Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland (2000). Bevölkerungsentwicklung Deutschlands bis zum Jahr 2050. Ergebnisse der 9. koordinierten Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung, Wiesbaden. http://www.destatis.de/download/veroe/bevoe.pdf. Zugegriffen 20. Juni 2005
3) The DOI representation is legitimate but I would make it identical to the Zotero APA style.

4) When citing from an edited volume, why is there a comma after the editors name before the &-sign while it is not required with only two editors?

5) They require – like APA – to differentiate between journals paginated by year and by issue. How can this be solved?

6) How can the following be implemented (if at all).
Beispiel mit einer Institution als Hrsg., welche im Text abgekürzt genannt wird:
KMK (2010) = Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (2010). Konzeption der Kultusministerkonferenz zur Nutzung der Bildungsstandards für die Unterrichtsentwicklung. Köln: Carl Link.
  • edited July 2, 2015
    6) Save "Konferenz der Kulturminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" as author and for the inline citation you can use suppress author and write the abbreviation manually as the style wishes.
  • The journal mention that they follow the Springer APA style, as do several other journals, see the dependent styles here. Moreover, we use the same style for English and German (maybe other languages as well). I am not sure at which level we can/should make a change. @adamsmith, @rmzelle: Can you give some guidance here?
  • 6) Save "Konferenz der Kulturminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" as author and for the inline citation you can use suppress author and write the abbreviation manually as the style wishes.
    Good idea but how would I get the correct output for the reference list? Perhaps saving: "KMK (2010) = Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" as author? But this would make the zotero entry only useful with the ZfE style, wouldn't it?

    Thanks for the link to the parent style. I hope minor adjustments are possible. Perhaps I could make some custom modifications for myself. However, as I do not know CSL I would need some guidance on how to implement the changes.
  • I am not sure at which level we can/should make a change. @adamsmith, @rmzelle: Can you give some guidance here?
    Your input would be appreciated.

    I have come across another ZfE style issue:

    7) When citing a source with multiple authors, the current ZfE style gives me the following output:

    (Döbert u. a. 2008, S. 99)

    However, according the ZfE manuscript guidelines from 2014 it should be as follows:

    (Döbert et al. 2008, S. 99)

    I guess this is related to language localization. However, ZfE style requires the Latin et al. for multiple authors but German page reference S. for Seite.
  • edited July 8, 2015
    I received some help from @adamsmith:

    1) It is not possible to change the line spacing in the style.
    2) This can be changed to include to ":" always, i.e. "Zugegriffen:".
    3) We are following here Springer's style manual and there are enough examples where they use "doi:".
    4) The style (English) guide from Springer include a comma before the & also when there are onle two authors/editors. However, it is for me not clear if this is the same for the styles in German.
    5) Not possible within the style.
    6) Not possible within the style.
    7) This can be changed to replace the "u. a." with "et al.".

    Thus, I can change 2) and 7) through overwriting the local terms in the parent style for "de".
  • I'm happy for you to change 2) and 7).

    However, I only the ZfE style fairly well.

    The Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (KZfSS) that is also published by Springer has its own stylistic variations and does not comply with the Springer guidance regarding 4), for example. KZfSS complies with the proposed changes of 2) and 7) though. See: http://www.uni-koeln.de/kzfss/konventionen/kskonms.htm
  • I've found to more German Springer journals that follow ZfE in omitting a comma between two editors (not authors) in book chapter references.

    Soziale Passagen: Manuskriptrichtlinien

    Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung: Manuskriptrichtlinien

    This is some evidence that when citing a chapter from an edited volume,there has to be a comma after the editors name before the &-sign with three or more editors while it is omitted with only two editors in the German Springer APA style.
  • Dear zuphilip,

    It would be great if you could change 2) and 7) as proposed. Many thanks!
  • We fixed 2) and 7) now. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reporting and the discussion.
  • Would it be possible to add capitalization for subtitles after : for English publications? This form of referencing is indicated in the following example given by ZfE Springer.
    Bem, D. J. (2003). Writing the empirical journal article. In J. M. Darley, M. P. Zanna, & H. L. Roediger III (Hrsg.), The complete academic: A practical guide for the beginning social scientist (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    See: https://www.springer.com/journal/11618/updates/17419578

    Also interesting and possibly worth implementing is the (2nd ed.) for English references, while it is (2. Aufl.) for German references. However, (Hrsg.) remains (Hrsg.) irrespective of the language of the publication. A bit too inconsistent for my liking.

  • CSL styles can't currently be customized based on the language of an item, so that won't happen for now I'm afraid.
  • @adamsmith But could one implement capitalization of any subtitle after a ":", which is much more common in English papers?
  • @dstillman could https://www.zotero.org/styles/zeitschrift-fur-erziehungswissenschaft be added to the list of styles with APA-style subtitle capitalization?
  • @adamsmith: In the dependent style, not the parent style?

    On a similar note, do we want this setting enabled for all dependent styles of APA? I suspect that doesn't actually happen at the moment.
  • Good question -- it actually doesn't look right to me, neither for parent nor for the specific style. From what I've seen in both the style guide and some articles, subtitles are capitalized for chapters (zurpher's example) but are not capitalized for (much more commonly cited) journal articles, so I think we'll probably want to leave things be until CSL can better address this.
    On a similar note, do we want this setting enabled for all dependent styles of APA? I suspect that doesn't actually happen at the moment.
    That, on the other hand is a clear yes. APA is unambiguous here and anything following APA should implement this.
  • OK, I've applied subtitle capitalization to dependent styles based on the parent, if the dependent style itself doesn't trigger. This will be in the next Zotero beta in a few minutes.

    I've also created an issue for ZoteroBib, where we also apparently weren't doing this.
  • Thanks to both of you! Do you already know when Zotero 5.0.91 will be released
  • @zurpher -- note that we did _not_ make any change to Zeitung für Erziehungswissenschaften as I explain above. For most references, lowercase before colon is correct there.
  • @adamsmith I actually only what the first letter after a colon in a title, i.e. the beginning of the sub-title, to be a large cap so that it is in line with APA requirements on whom the ZfE style depends to a large extent. Does that make sense?
  • I understand that, but it's not the case that the journal follows APA in that. If you check both the Springer styleguide and recent issues of the journal, subtitles of journal articles consistently start with a lowercase letter after the colon.
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