More powerful search
Search is too simple for the purposes of Zotero. Maybe with a small database it would suffice, but we need a more powerfull search, just like Pubmed, for instance: booleans, grouping, field tags, etc.
Advanced search is not quite useful. It only allows All or Any.
Advanced search is not quite useful. It only allows All or Any.
Apart from that, pubmed search looks very much like Zotero's.
(DNA OR chromatin) AND (damage OR breaks OR disruption) AND (Williams OR (Watson NOT Fabricio))
And I am not talkin about complex things I can do in PubMed (well, not quite complex, actually):
review[PT] AND (DNA[TI] OR breaks[AB]) AND 1998[DP]
Not supporting boolean search, at the least, in the quick search is a great drawback for a really, really good application such as Zotero. In a bibliography management tool, search is critical. I use BibDesk too (with smaller databases, though), and I am able to carry out searches with either boolean or regular expression operators.
And saved searches are useful, but not practical. Carrying out rather complex searches elsewhere is just one step and like 10 seconds typing. If I am working in a paper, I need to do one of them each 5 min at most. I am talking about >7500 items.
(advanced search does support regex searches for attachment content, FWIW)
Unfortunately I am a big fan of quick search...
I don't think there are systematic objections to implementing this, but it's not high on anyone's agenda.