searching for a style with this format [Journal] [date] [Title in quotes] [author]
Is there a style that has this format or similar?
I'm using a plugin called Zotpress on WordPress and they support any style that's listed here:
There are 10k options, but how can I find one similar to this?
[Journal] [date] [Title in quotes] [author]
I'm using a plugin called Zotpress on WordPress and they support any style that's listed here:
There are 10k options, but how can I find one similar to this?
[Journal] [date] [Title in quotes] [author]
You'll need to use the provided meta data on the left to create the style you want and then will find something similar for sure, or a good base to make some edits.
You can edit a style here:
or by following these instructions:
If you can't find a style that meets your needs, please follow these instructions carefully to request a new style:
However, I can't find any at all that start with the journal title. Can someone give it a try?
anyone tried the Zotpress plugin? Is there a way to use a custom style?
What about this tutorial?
Looks like you could still specifify the in-text citation for each?
For now, my main concern is with the bibliography. Here's the page where I'm using this:
Based on this, you can imagine that the order I've proposed makes sense. How could I get a new entry added to the Zotero style page?
Try this style:
Here's the shortcode for the August block:
[zotpress tag="CH_HL_2020_08" sortby="date" order="desc", style=""]
Does that look right to you? I can't see the difference between the August block and the others. But maybe they're just similar styles? I haven't made any other changes to Zotpress.
Here's my test.
This is a non-profit project for monitoring the effects of government lockdown measures on consumer spending. It's lead by a university in Switzerland.
Would you be willing to try to create a style in this format? [Journal] [date] [Title in quotes] [author] I don't know if this is a large effort or not, but I'd really appreciate if you could give it an attempt and then I could potentially tune it further.
Then I can make something.
Current format:
Lastname, Firstname. “Article Title” NewspaperName. August 13, 2020.
Desired format:
NewspaperName. August 13, 2020. “Article Title” Lastname, Firstname
So you mainly cite newspaper articles and NOT journal articles as you specified earlier?
I need more details. That's the footnotes you want?
The bibliography doesn't matter? Or the other way round?
"Current format": where are you getting this from? The apa.....csl linked above?
I'm interested in the bibliography only. I assume you mean in-text citations when you say footnotes? The formatting that I'm asking you about should apply to the bibliography and is not necessary for in-text citations or footnotes.
Yes, these are mainly newspaper articles. There are also some TV and radio broadcasts. There will be a few scientific articles. It should be optimized for newspaper articles if you need to choose one
The current format is the APA linked above and seems very similar to my default Zotpress setting. I actually cannot tell the difference.
Is it possible to add newlines? If yes, I think this format would look even nicer. That also eliminates the need for some punctuation.
NewspaperName. August 13, 2020
Article Title
Lastname, Firstname
APA is probably not the wisest decision to use as a base, just because it's a very complex and large style. For you to make other changes might be harder than necessary if it was just a more simplistic style.
[zotpress tag="CH_HL_2020_08" sortby="date" order="desc", style=""]
My test is here:
I will verify that I’m using the Zotpress plugin correctly.
After uploading the style I copied the URL to the .csl and went back in to edit the file's style link.
You can see that yourself.
Also, you can just copy my code and upload it to your site or whatever other service you want to use and play around with it.
I added this URL as a new style directly in the Zotpress options. Adding style to the shortcode was not necessary.
When creating styles, do we need to have a different formatting for each ItemType? Would it be possible to make sure that the same formatting applies to all item types? If not, the important ones are:
- Newspaper article (already looks great)
- Radio Broadcast
- TV Broadcast
- Webpage
- Blog post
- Presentation
- Video recording
ItemName. August 13, 2020
Item Title
Lastname_author, Firstname_author
@damnation, could you help me to make these changes to the CSL?
Now you know why it isn't the best idea to start with APA in your case.
You don't have to have the conditionals for all the various item types. But as this style has the coding in all the various macros it's a bit harder to simplify that.
I would just start with a different, simpler style.
something like this:
Then I would also replace this part of the example with the article-newspaper from your file?
Looks like it would take me quite a while to really understand how a style file works.
<<if type="article-newspaper" match="none">