TU Dresden citation style - page number doesn't appear in footnotes

Hello there,

I'm using Technische Universität Dresden - Medienwissenschaft und Neuere Deutsche Literatur (note, German) as a citation style.

When I add a page number to a citation, it sometimes appears in my footnote, sometimes not, and I can't understand why it doesn't sometimes (it's really random, I would say it doesn't work one of out two times).

The worst is, I have the case where, for the exact same document cited, it works on one page, but not on the other... And also, for different documents cited on the same page, some have the page number and some don't. So I don't even have a clue where the problem might comes from.

One thing that could help maybe: I noticed that when the page number appears, then the date of the document doesn't appear, and vice versa.

Thank you for your help!
  • Could we see some examples?
    The logic of the style is:
    1. Print the page range from the Zotero item (always)
    2. For items that _could_ have a page range (journal articles, chapters, etc.), print the page for a citation prefixed by "hier S. " if the item has a page range in Zotero
    3. For all other items, always print the page for a citation prefixed by "S. "
  • Hello, thank you for your answer.

    So I found out something new. When I actually write the total number of pages of a document in Zotero, then it works: the page number appears.

    Example: Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.: „Deutscher Startup Monitor 2018“. (2018), S. 126, hier S. 17.

    But if I remove the total number of pages (126), then the page number will disappear again (17).

    Example: Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.: „Deutscher Startup Monitor 2018“. (2018).
  • Right, that's why I was asking for examples. So this is specific to reports, right?
    The "Report" item type in Zotero actually has (for reasons I never understood) a "pages" not a "number of pages" field and so the logic I describe above applies. We can remove this logic for reports from the style. Does this happen for any other item type>
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