Bug in Zotero when inserting new references with Word 2010 version 14 and Windows 10
My report ID number is: 1217949132. I am using Zotero with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 and Microsoft Word version 14.0, and Windows 10. Whenever I insert a new reference into the text using Zotero, the formatting of paragraph in which I inserted it is lost, as are the field codes of the inserted reference itself, which becomes plain text with a dashed underline. Experimenting with a test document tells me that this occurs when a citation involves more than one reference, and one of the references includes page numbers. In the test document, the field codes were lost, but there was no dashed underline.
The dashed underline just sounds like you have Automatically update citations disabled, and that would be perfectly normal.
What's your exact, full Word version?
It could be a Word configuration problem. Do you have any other plugins installed in Word? Have you tried disabling them? Could you create a new User Account on your computer and test whether you still see the same problem there?
Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you. After getting frustrated with troubleshooting and putting up with the problem for a time, I tried disabling the Endnote and Mendeley add-ins, as you suggested. This seems to have solved the problem. I can no longer elicit it either in a test document, or in my primary document. Thanks.