Mass attaching pdfs to existing references

After years of using Mendeley, I recently made the decision to take the plunge to Zotero for a number of reasons. I was able to import all my citations from Mendeley into Zotero with no problem, but only a small handful of attached files actually made it over.

I have a Mendeley folder with all my pdfs. I am wondering if there is an easy way to have Zotero scan that folder to look for pdfs to link with the citations that are now all in Zotero. Or, can I add the whole pdf folder to zotero in the hope that it will automatically link pdfs to citations (rather than create duplicate citations?)

Any advice from the group would be greatly appreciated.
  • There's no automated way to do that, no.

    How did you import your Mendeley library? If you used the official importer, it should have imported the files as long as they were accessible in Mendeley.
  • edited June 6, 2020
    (But we've heard from some people whose files weren't accessible in Mendeley after downgrading to Mendeley 1.18.)
  • I did use the official importer, but had to downgrade to Mendeley 1.18 in order to make it work.
  • Right, but I'm saying that the official importer should transfer files as long as they were accessible in Mendeley to begin with.
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