Unable to edit existing citations in Word
ID 1073369325
Every time I click inside an existing citation and click "add/edit citation," the citations which are already cited do not appear inside the addition box; when I add a citation in that isn't already in the current list, the entire citation in the text is replaced with only the single citation I just added.
Reproducing the problem:
1. Click inside existing citation like so: 2,5,7,|9
2. Click "add/edit citation" in toolbar
3. The existing citations do not appear and instead an empty box appears
4. Add a citation (10); old citations disappear (2,5,7,9)
This has occurred sporadically with random periods of resolution interspersed with times of non-functionality; I am unsure what is changing between these periods. Clicking "refresh" seems to help, but only sometimes.
Every time I click inside an existing citation and click "add/edit citation," the citations which are already cited do not appear inside the addition box; when I add a citation in that isn't already in the current list, the entire citation in the text is replaced with only the single citation I just added.
Reproducing the problem:
1. Click inside existing citation like so: 2,5,7,|9
2. Click "add/edit citation" in toolbar
3. The existing citations do not appear and instead an empty box appears
4. Add a citation (10); old citations disappear (2,5,7,9)
This has occurred sporadically with random periods of resolution interspersed with times of non-functionality; I am unsure what is changing between these periods. Clicking "refresh" seems to help, but only sometimes.
While it shouldn't matter, do you have multiple copies of Zotero in Applications? E.g., both the production and beta versions?
I would delete all copies of Zotero from Applications and then try again, make sure you get "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Zotero is open and try again.", and then and only then reinstall Zotero (either production or beta) into Applications. Note that that's only one of many steps on that page. Assuming this works in a new document, you'd have to try the rest. (But again, the "app that was downloaded from the internet" suggests there's some general problem with your installation, not something with a specific document.)
1. Versions up to date
2. I did have track changes on, so I disabled them, accepted all changes and marked changes in red text instead (required to mark all changes per journal revision guidelines). Helped for a couple tries, then problem persisted.
3. No citations in image captions.
4. Copied and pasted into new document. This worked most persistently (was able to click "edit" in 5 fields and the existing citations appeared. However, after this the problem recurred. I clicked "refresh," which worked for another 3 fields, but problem recurred.
5. Copy made.
6. Not using OneDrive or Windows.
7. Switched to different citation style. Problem present from first attempt.
8. Already deleted bibliography; problem still present from first attempt.
9. Doing this led to an error that said "The Zotero field code corresponding to this citation, which tells Zotero which item in your library this citation represents, has been corrupted. Would you like to reselect the item?
Clicking "No" will delete the field codes for citations containing this item, preserving the citation text but potentially deleting it from your bibliography." I clicked Yes in response to this and it changed the field to "{ ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationItems":[],"properties":{}} }. Still not showing previous citations in the editing box.
10. Tried deleting both halves of the document and had variable results, but overall problem remained. Tried deleting individual sentences with citations and none of this worked. I then deleted the entire contents of the document, tried adding 2 citations and then attempted to edit them, and the problem recurred. Is this problem possibly inherent to the beta version?
An additional problem I've noticed that isn't affected by the current problem - Zotero doesn't seem to be capable of editing a single citation that uses a single digit. Whether I click before or after the single number citation, it tries to create a new citation separate from the existing one. It seems to require at least two characters inside the field, such that you are able to click between those characters, for it to recognize it should be adding to the existing one rather than creating a new one.
Submitted another error report (1870330952) which includes whatever happened during all of this. Not sure what else to do.
When this happens, what do you see in the citation itself, behind the citation dialog? Does the citation stay as it was, or do you see "{Citation}" (as you would get for a new citation)? It didn't present you with the citation dialog to reselect an item? That text would be the Word field code version of an empty citation. You should delete that completely and reinsert the citation, and see if that helps. Can you email the smallest possible test document where you can reproduce this to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread, and also provide a Debug ID for clicking Add/Edit Citation when this occurs? For a single-digit numeric citation, where you can't be within the field, you just need to highlight the field instead.
Thanks so much for being here on a saturday. Have had many frustrations with many citation softwares and it seems help has never been as available as it is here.
I will note, I had just been pressing enter and not Esc, but I tried again with Esc and it's the same issue. I took a screenshot of what it looks like with the edit box empty if that helps at all.
Also, when inserting references, do you ever get an error from Zotero saying that something went wrong? In one of your report IDs above there is an error logged which should have produced an integration error message (different from the one you were seeing about Zotero already running).
When the citation dialog comes up empty, if you click on the Z on the left of the dialog and switch to the classic dialog are the cited items still not listed?
Error ID 1142369156
Debug ID D1824195517