Best way to use Zotero w/ multiple publication dates & Chicago Manual of Style A-D

edited September 10, 2016
According to the Chicago Manual of Style, if it's important for the reader to know the date when something was first published and the writer is using a reprint edition, then when using the author-date style the writer should:

1. Put both dates in citations, with the original in square brackets.
2. Put both dates in the reference, with the original in parentheses.
3. Add a notation to the reference and explain which version is used for page numbers.

Example of a citation:
Marx ([1893] 1967)

Example of the corresponding reference
Marx, Karl. (1893) 1967. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy; Volume II: The Process of Circulation of Capital, ed. Frederick Engels. NY: International Publishers. Page numbers are from the International Publishers edition.

What's the best way to implement this using Zotero?

(FWIW, I'm using the LyX interface to LaTeX with the LyZ plugin for Zotero.)
  • You can add original publication information to an item by using the following syntax in the Extra field:

    {:original-date: 1893}

    If the style supports these fields (the Chicago style in Zotero does), these will be picked up and used appropriately.
  • Though I'm doubtful this will work with lyz. Maybe in combination with better bibtex, but I'm not sure
  • If you have a date formatted like "[1893] 1967", BBT will put "1893" in the "origdate" field and "1967" in the "year" field.

    This only works for BBTs BibLaTeX mode, and only if there's exclusively numbers between the brackets. The brackets must also be at the start of the date field.
  • And `{:original-date: 1893}` will also work in BBT.
  • bwiernik's suggestion worked for me! Thanks a lot!
  • You should use
    original-date: 1893
    instead. Works the same way, but is guaranteed to be migrated once Zotero gets a proper field for this.
  • Great! Will do. The syntax is simpler.
  • edited May 7, 2018
    In fact, even
    Original date: 1893

    Original Date: 1893

    will also work now (Zotero and BBT).
  • Thanks adamsmith and bwiernik! My life is a lot easier now.
  • Hello, I need some help. @adamsmith, can you helpme?

    I need to achive that:

    citation: (Hegel, [1807] 2009)

    Reference: Hegel, G. W. F. ([1807] 2009) book name in italic, Publisher, Address

    What you suggest?

  • Enter the original publication date in Extra like this:
    Original date: 1807
  • @adamsmith @bwiernik Is this still viable? I've put "Original date: 1936" in the `extra` field for an item in the Zotero GUI. BBT did update my `.bib` file from how the item was previously dated, but it isn't adding an `extra` field to the .bib file. This is true for "Original Date..." and "original-date..." I hesitate to hand-edit the `bib` file since BBT will likely overwrite the changes.
  • edited April 30, 2020
    All of this discussion concerned generating citations with Zotero/CSL, not BibTeX.

    BibTeX doesn’t have an “extra” field. BBT will extract the “original-date” information from Extra to “origdate” in BibLaTeX. But it seems not to work for the more readable “Original date”

    @emilianoeheyns could you fix that?
  • I'm working on it, but I need to figure out the Zotero field mapping -- there's some things going on that I don't fully understand. I've raised a question about it on zotero-dev.
  • This is now released
  • Just found this thread and tested it out--and it works! I just entered the original publication date in the Extra field like this, as @bwiernik suggested:
    Original date: 1950

    I use a Scrivener→ODF→ODF Scan workflow. The scannable cite footnote entry is

    { | Miller, 1987 | p. 206 | |zu:7870809:KKFFI76G}

    and the footnote generated includes the original date:

    5. Henry Miller, Sexus: The Rosy Crucifixion I (1950; repr., New York: Grove Press, 1987), 206.

    awesome! thank you!
  • A side issue is that the Year column in the center listing pane shows the date of the publication, not the original date. When I'm thinking of a work, say, for example, Henry Miller's Sexus, it makes a lot more sense to to me to have the Year be 1950 (the date of original publication) as opposed to 1987, which just happens to be the edition that I have on hand.

    I would love to have a proper Original Date field, and the option of pulling the "Year" pseudo-field from that.
  • Seconding this feature request. Would love the original date to be its own field. The great majority of my academic sources are primary sources written long before the edition I'm citing.
  • I would also love to have the original year as a column in the list pane. Or rather: A consolidated column that shows the original year if available, otherwise the year...

    BetterBibtex does an excellent job in recognising "2014 [1897]" as year and origyear. I also make sure that my citekeys include the original year. So when I'm working with these references, I am just thinking about the year of original publication (e.g. smith1897), but when I look at the references in Zotero, I often can't find what I'm looking for, because id displays the year of the edition I'm using...

    Has anyone found a workaround for this?
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