([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.])
I am trying to cite, in-text, a reference from the National Geographic. I saved it in Zotero as a webpage, and I later tried to save it as a magazine, but when I try to insert the citation the message ([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]) appears instead of the reference. Any idea about how to solve this?
I am trying to cite, in-text, a reference from the National Geographic. I saved it in Zotero as a webpage, and I later tried to save it as a magazine, but when I try to insert the citation the message ([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.]) appears instead of the reference. Any idea about how to solve this?
I exported the file in CSL JSON format on my desktop, but how do I copy the code? Nothing happens when I double-click on the file. Well, actually Microsoft asks me how I would like to open the file, but no options are there other than "go to the store and pick a software". Do I need a special software to open and copy the code?