Web library for Safari 9

I haven't been able to identify any discussion thread on the problem of Web Library in older iPads. Mine is iOS 9.3.6 and I discovered that the Web Library appears as a complete blank page with no text and menus.

I last used Zotero on my iPad months ago but given the work from home order, I need to use whatever devices to share the work at home. Appreciate your instructions as to what I can do to Zotero access using my old iPad.

Thank you. Stay safe.
  • edited April 19, 2020
    If at all possible, I'd advise updating your iOS which will also update Safari on your iPad. However if you're stuck with that version on your hardware, the only alternative is to use legacy version of the Web Library. To do that, once logged in, append "?usenewlibrary=0" to the web-library url so, depending on your account name, the url could look like this:


    Please bear in mind this is not a permanent solution as we will be discounting legacy version of the Web Library at some point in the future.
  • Hi, thanks for your quick reply. It is a legacy iPad, no further updates.

    I logged into Zotero using Safari and have this link https://www.zotero.org/phsoh/items?usenewlibrary=0 or yours, it shows the menu items "Create Item Add to Collection Remove from Collection Move to Trash Remove from Trash ..."

    The same in Chrome browser on my iPad. THere is at the top page a link "Try the new Web library Beta", that's when the blank page appears in both browsers.

    Does it mean that now the support is discontinued for this old iPad?

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