Consortiums as Authors
A growing number of papers have a large number of authors and prefer to be cited (per the project webpages that list the citation) by the consortium name, e.g. "The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium" ( -- a list of the authors is available, but it is horrendously long and it is inaccurate to specify a first/last/etc author, so these papers really should be cited by the consortium name. Pubmed lists the consortium and then all the authors (, so I'm not sure what the best way is to tell when a paper should be cited by the consortium name only... though the Nature page only has the consortium name, and then has links for corresponding author, etc (
Is this too specialized/difficult for the site translator? I haven't had to scrape a web page in a while, and I also don't know how well the html is formatted for pubmed/other pages, but I thought I'd ask.
Is this too specialized/difficult for the site translator? I haven't had to scrape a web page in a while, and I also don't know how well the html is formatted for pubmed/other pages, but I thought I'd ask.
I don't think we were handling Collective authors at all. I fixed that.
Unfortunately, that particular record does not seem to be entered correctly on PubMed and there is no way for Zotero to figure out what the correct author list would be. You can try reporting it to PubMed directly.
In terms of metadata correctness, the publisher's website is the best place to import from 99% of the time (and you get the PDF).