en-dashes appear as hyphens

Hi there,

hopefully someone can help me with this issue: When I type a en-dash in the title box of a book or a paper in Zotero, it appears as a hyphen in the actual citation in my word document. (I am using the German language, so there has to be an en-dash, anything else is just wrong.)

Is there any way of forcing Zotero to keep this en-dash instead of changing it into a minus sign?
Like a workaround character?
Or do I have to change it in the locale? My citation style has default-locale="de-DE".
If yes, how does this work, how do I change&save a locale?

Many thanks in advance!
  • edited April 6, 2020
    HTML should work. Enter the en-dash as – or – and give that a try. (there might be another way and I'm sure the others will chime in in that case)
  • edited April 6, 2020
    When I type the html Code for – in Zotero, unfortunately it gives me exactly the same characters & # 8 2 1 1 ; in my word file.
    Same for &ndsash;.
    It doesn't seem to recognize html? adding ‹html›,</html› just prints this as well.

  • @damnation was meaning to enter it into the CSL style code, not into Zotero. Zotero only recognizes a limited set of HTML-like tags.

    What style are you using? And could you export the affected item to CSL-JSON, paste the exported item metadata code to https://hastebin.com or similar, and give a link here?
  • edited April 10, 2020

    I realize now that the problem probably isn't the style, but rather the entry field in the Zotero app.
    In word, I use (on Mac) "Option -" to write a dash. In the Zotero text entry field there is no difference when I type "Option -" or just "-".

    How can I type a dash in the Zotero entry field?
    CopyPaste does not work.

    You asked for the metadata:

    This is an example of a json export. You can see that in the title there are "–", but in my word file these appear as short hyphens and not as dashes.

    "id": ".........................................",
    "type": "book",
    "event-place": "Bielefeld",
    "note": "GH 6111",
    "publisher-place": "Bielefeld",
    "title": "Einleitung – Fußnote - Kommentar. Fingierte Formen wissenschaftlicher Darstellung als Gestaltungselemente moderner Erzählkunst",
    "author": [
    "family": "Stang",
    "given": "Harald"
    "issued": {
    "date-parts": [


    I am using a style which is a variation of https://editor.citationstyles.org/styleInfo/?styleId=http://www.zotero.org/styles/nccr-mediality

    I am wondering if I should add the dash to the German locale, but how exactly would I need to do it?
  • Problem solved!

    Not exactly in a nice way, but it works:
    If I don't use the Zotero app but the Web Library and I type "Option -" it actually produces a dash, also in the Word file.
    I thus have to change all affected objects in the Web version of Zotero.
  • Yeah, you simply didn't have an en-dash in Zotero before (the title above has hyphens). I'm suspecting Zotero doesn't recognize option+- as an en-dash. If you copy&paste the en dash into local Zotero, I'm pretty it would also appear as such
  • The Option+hyphen command is built into the Mac German keyboard layout, so typing that should work in Zotero as elsewhere.
  • @adamsmith: No, copy&paste in local Zotero doesn't work

    @bwiernik: it should :), but it doesn't.
  • If copy and paste doesn’t work, then something very unusual is happening. @dstillman do you have any ideas?
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