Unable to move files from My Library to Group Library

Good afternoon,

Today, I'm attempting to share some of the files I uploaded to Zotero with others by creating a group. I've attempted to follow all the steps I found in other discussions regarding moving files, but not only am I not able to move the files from My Library to the Group Library, but I'm unable to have the files be visible in the web version. I'm not sure if this is a sync issue, or some extra steps needed to make files movable, but the files I did manage to "move" into the group file were empty. Please assist.
  • the files I did manage to "move" into the group file were empty
    What do you mean by that?
  • @ckenol: To copy items between libraries, you just need to drag them or the collections they're in.

    Currently, if you've previously dragged items, you can't drag them again, so you need to delete them from the target library and empty the trash before dragging again to copy any changes — including if you've added attachments to parent items since you first dragged them.

    For the attached files, the files need to be available locally — with a filled blue dot in the middle pane — before you copy them, so if you're using "as needed" mode for file syncing, you'll need to switch to "at sync time" or open the files first in the source library so that the files are available.

    (We know some of these behaviors are annoying, and we'll be improving them soon.)
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