Zotero erasing abstract when I attach a file to the record
I think this has been stable for me for a while, probably through a few upgrades. I'm now on 5.0.84 on Ubuntu 18.04. What happens is that I create a new entry, copy and paste an abstract into the abstract field and then "Attach stored copy of file ..." which works, but the bizarre bug is that the abstract that I'd pasted in immediately disappears! I can't see that this has been reported before. Any thoughts?
It's the same for any field — if you have an open field and use a menu option (e.g., "New Child Note"), the contents of the field will be lost, as if you had pressed Esc to cancel out of it.
Fields are saved automatically if you click on another field or switch to another item, but not if you use a menu option. We can try to fix that, but it might be fairly complicated. I've created an issue to track it.