I'm not able anymore to insert references in my word document

Please help! I cannot insert any reference anymore in my document...I just switched to the APA 7th today and nothing appears on my document when I choose a reference from Zotero library
  • What setup exactly (Word version, operating system)?
    What exactly is happening? You click on add citation and...?
    Have you tried in a new document? Same result or does it work there?
    Have you tried restarting your computer?
  • Hi Adam, I'm using word version 18.1910.1283.0 on Windows 10.
    I click on add citation on my word document, I choose the citation and I then press enter but the citation doesn't appear on my document.
    I just tried on a new document and it works, I think I would probably copy and paste on a new document to solve the issue quickly.
    It might be caused to switching from APA 6th referencing style to APA 7th?
  • No, switching citation style shouldn't matter.
    How long have you waited for the citation to appear? Could be that, in part because it's a new citation style, it'll take a couple of minutes the first time.
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