Zotero Chrome Extension not working


My debug ID is 191770203. I have tried everything on this page: https://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues

When I attempt to save a PDF research article i have downloaded in my Chrome browser, mousing over the Zotero extension button gives me the message: "Save to Zotero [Embedded Metadata] Has access to this site." I am logged into the site where I obtained the article (https://pubs.asha.org/doi/pdf/10.1044/2019_AJSLP-18-0161).

When I attempt to save a website that I am not logged into, such as this:

it says "Save to Zotero [Web Page with Snapshot] Has access to this site."

However, the extension button is nonresponsive when I click on it on either site. It is responsive on other pages, such as these forums or Amazon.com.

I would appreciate any help available. Thanks!
  • Try the troubleshooting steps again. If you're seeing "Web Page with Snapshot" on that second URL, you likely missed something on that page.

    We also would need a Debug ID for a page load that doesn't detect properly. You provided a Report ID, which is different.

    (I don't have access to the first site, so I can't test that, but in general you should always try saving from the article page (which in this case should be the "Atypon Journals" translator), not the PDF. If the site actually serves the PDF directly and not within a webpage frame, you should see "Save to Zotero (PDF)" and Zotero should run metadata retrieval, and that should generally work on an academic PDF, but there's no reason to do that when you have the article page accessible.)
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