Style request: Queen Margaret Uni (Harvard style), very similar to an existing style

Hi all,

I'm currently studying at QMU (Queen Margaret University), Edinburgh.

There is a Harvard style that is *very* close to what we at QMU are using (Robert Gordon University - Harvard), with just some minor differences. I'm actually using the RGU style as the differences are quite minor so I can edit later, but it would be great if someone can help create a QMU style.

I had a thorough look at all the Harvard styles available and working from RGU is probably best and easiest as it's definitely the closest one (Edge Hill Uni and Solent Uni are second closest, with some more minor differences for each).

Style documentation:

In-text citations (same as for Robert Gordon University - RGU):

(Campbell and Pedersen 2007)
(Mares 2001)
(Mares 2001; Campbell and Pedersen 2007)


CAMPBELL, J.L. and PEDERSEN, O.K., 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies. vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 307-332.

MARES, I., 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: P. A. Hall and D. Soskice, eds. Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 184-213.

* DOI is not required by the style documentation though (in fact it's not even mentioned how to include DOIs, whether to use Available from: or simply append them at the end of an entry as above).

Since the QMU style is so similar to RGU, here is what's different for the QMU style in the bibliography examples on the repository.

RGU style first, QMU second in all the examples:

HISAKATA, R., NISHIDA, S. and JOHNSTON, A., 2016. An adaptable metric shapes perceptual space. Current Biology, 26(14), pp. 1911–1915. Available from: [Accessed 3 Oct 2016].

HISAKATA, R., NISHIDA, S. and JOHNSTON, A., 2016. An adaptable metric shapes perceptual space. Current biology. vol. 26, no. 14, pp. 1911-1915 [viewed 3 October 2016]. Available from:

("viewed" instead of "Accessed"; "viewed" right after page numbers; use of vol/no)

HOGUE, C.W.V., 2001. Structure databases. In: A.D. BAXEVANIS and B.F.F. OUELLETTE, eds. Bioinformatics. New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience. pp. 83–109.

HOGUE, C.W.V., 2001. Structure databases. In: A.D. BAXEVANIS and B.F.F. OUELLETTE, eds. Bioinformatics. New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience, pp. 83-109.

(comma after the publisher and before page numbers)

MUSK, E., 2006. The secret Tesla Motors master plan (just between you and me). [online]. Tesla Blog. Available from: [Accessed 29 Sep 2016].

MUSK, E., 2006. The secret Tesla Motors master plan (just between you and me) [online]. Tesla Blog [viewed 29 September 2016]. Available from:

("online" right after the document title with no dot before; "viewed" instead of "Accessed"; "viewed" after the publication name/e-book name/publisher/institution name)

SAMBROOK, J. and RUSSELL, D.W., 2001. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. 3rd ed. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: CSHL Press.

SAMBROOK, J. and RUSSELL, D.W., 2001. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. 3rd ed. Cold Spring Harbor, NY: CSHL Press.

(no differences here at all)

I'm having a bit of a hard time finding a publicly available paper that's using QMU's variation of Harvard referencing though, most of what's available is on the internal site for lecturers and students that requires registration to access.


  • You are lucky I made this style as you followed the requesting guidelines and actually put in as much work in as you could. Usually I don't do university styles anymore.
    RGU was not a match at all, but I based the style on another one.

    You can download it from the repository now:
  • Hi

    Thank you! I really thought RGU was the closest, at least it seemed that way, sorry about that.

    I think that it just needs two small fixes though: family names of authors have to be in uppercase as per the style guide (I actually know what needs to be changed for this but as I am not as proficient in CSL yet, perhaps it would be better for you to make the change);

    and there is no need for the paragraph from the second line onwards to be indented.

    Thank you once more! Having a style I'm familiar with will actually help in learning and using CSL in the future.

  • Thank you for the two fixes!

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