item type: additions to

For some reason Zotero does not have a 'journal' option in 'item type' which is odd to say the least for a software designed for academics etc. Please include this item type option in the next upgrade.

It would also help if item type 'artwork' could be split from photograph

otherwise software works very well
  • edited November 18, 2019
    Are you asking about a "whole journal" (single issue, single volume, all volumes) item type as opposed to "journal article"?

  • yes, a whole journal, not a journal item, article etc. My archive includes a whole series of various Journals. If there was a 'whole journal' option I could then also create a sub folder listing the various articles in the Journal in question using item type 'journal article'. for some reason it seems Z does not allow users to create their own unique item type, which is a pity, as different archives have differing needs.
  • Other use cases for this include citing journals in bibliometric papers, and in papers in fields of study such as librarianship, journalism, media studies, and cultural studies
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