Invalid style ? (Mac)

Dear members,

I have since this evening a big trouble with my "old" citation style (RGK_archaeology_DGUF.csl). This one seems to be invaild? When I try to connect my word files and this style or work with old documents with this kind of connection. There is only this kind of note I got: "Der ausgewählte Stil scheint nicht gültig zu sein. Wenn Sie diesen Stil selbst erstellt haben, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass er die unter beschriebene Validierung besteht. Ansonsten wählen Sie bitte einen anderen Stil."

With the page "CSL Style and Locale Validator" I found 24 errors in my Zotero style and I´m not an expert in this kind of writing. Can someone help me? And does someone have a answer why all this problems are happen now? After so many years?

I using:
- Word/Office 365 (Version 16.31)
- Zotero (5.0.79)
- and the actual word processor

Best wishes
  • I am really desperate as I have already written a lot for my doctoral thesis with this citation style.
  • You'd have to post the style somehwere for us to be able to look at it and help. As far as I know that error would come up with Zotero versions going many versions back, so not sure why you didn't get that earlier, but the whole point of validation is that Zotero can only guarantee valid styles to work.
  • edited December 4, 2019
  • No, don't post it here. Post it to or or Dropbox or similar and provide a link.
  • @dstillman this was a valid CSL 0.8.1 style so I think this may be a recurrence of the regression fixed in 5.0.58 (though haven't tried to replicate the error myself)
  • There was some breakage in the CSL 0.8 transformation code from the Fx60 update. I've fixed it in the latest Zotero beta. (Not sure when the next release will be, but we can push it out if there are more reports of this.)
  • edited December 4, 2019
    Dear adamsmith,

    thank you very much for you help. It works. But now the style put´s brackets - (Tackenberg 1930, 295) around every citation. The documents is still transforming in this way. Could you tell me what kind of things I have to change to delate this brackets?

    Best wishes and Thank you very much again for your amazing help!

  • That style you had posted also had brackets in them.
  • I´m confused ... In my former version I had no brackets as I wanted ? I using this citation for footnotes and not directly for the text. I printed yesterday before all this was happen a last version with this style and there were no brackets?
  • Excuse me for asking these questions. I don't have a clue and already get a twitch when I have to open the console.
  • Hmm. You might've not actually been using that style.
    I am referring to that code in that ocivicural.xml file.
    In line 124 it has <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; "> for the in-text citations.
    Also, this style is an author-date styel. If you're saying that you were using a footnote style, you were definitely not using that style.

    Let's start from the top. What style are you looking for? For which journal, publisher, university?
  • edited December 4, 2019
    That style was made by a little archaeology society based on the only on paper written citation rules of the "Römisch Germanische Kommission" at Frankfurt a. M. For footnotes I used only the author-date style without brackets.

    And that was for the footnote:

    Tackenberg 1930, 295

    And for the bibliography:
    Tackenberg 1930: K. Tackenberg, Zu den Wanderungen der Ostgermanen. Mannus 22, 1930, 268–295.

    Junkelmann 1990: M. Junkelmann, Die Reiter Roms I. Reise, Jagd, Triumph und Circusrennen. Kulturgeschichte der Antiken Welt 45 (Mainz 1990).

    Congress volume:
    Kollwitz 1969: J. Kollwitz, Die Malerei der Konstantinischen Zeit. In: Akten des Internationalen 7. Kongresses für Christliche Archäologie in Trier vom 05.-11.09.1965. Studi di antichitá cristiana 27 (Vatikan [u. a.] 1969) 29–158.

    Can I delate this line 124? and with this line the brackets?

  • No, you'd break the style if you did that. I have removed the pre and suffix. I have also made this into a note style, so wherever you want to insert a footnote use Zotero for that and it will automatically then generate the footnote for you.
    Using an author-date style for footnotes is not the right way.

    Right click, save as, install in Zotero:
  • I tried the new version. But without success. I using this citation style also for "citations" inside my text for example If I writing my catalog:

    XXX. Schildbuckel mit leicht facettierter und durchlaufender Haube
    Chapka-Ah´jacarahu, Georgien (Taf. XXX)
    Befg.: Grabfund.
    Fo./Fst.: Grab 20.
    Fgesch.: unbek.
    Beif.: Eine Axt vom Typ Cebelda nach Kazanski, zwei Lanzenspitzen, ein Schwert.
    Abs.Dat: unbek.
    Relv.Dat.: spätes 4. – 5. Jh.
    Inschr.: nicht vorhanden.
    Der Schildbuckel besitzt eine leicht facettierte Haube (14- bis 15-fach facettiert), welche ohne Hals in eine horizontale Falz übergeht. Auf der Zeichnung von Kazan-ski ist noch ein Schildbuckelniet erkennbar. Doch lässt sich die Form nicht klar be-stimmten.
    Mat.: vergoldete (?) Kupferlegierung.
    T.: unbek.
    M.: Dm. ca. 20 cm / Dm. Haube ca. 11,5 cm/ H. 8 cm.
    Gew.: unbek.
    Anm./Bes.: keine.
    Verbl.: unbek.
    Lit.: (Aibabin 1982, 133, Abb. 5,11); (Kazanski 1994, 481, Nr. 2,23c mit Abb. 4,1); (Kazanski 1995, Fig. 8,12)

  • From this point of view I need no brackets for the auther-year-note If I use this one for a footnote or in continuous text.
  • edited December 4, 2019
    If you look at the guidelines ( it says "Die Archäologischen Berichte wünschen eine Zitierweise nach den im Fach Ur- und Frühgeschichte weit verbreiteten RGK-Regeln" and links to this file:

    In that file it states "Es gibt zwei unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten, den Text zu gestalten, die nicht vermischt werden sollten."

    So you should choose either author-date OR footnotes and stick with it.
  • Then I didn't quite understand. How do I tell Zotero that it is author-date and or a footnote? I can't change thousands of "quotations" I made in my thesis in this way.
  • The citation style will be able to change the citations for you. Although, since you manually made footnotes and then added author-date citations into the footnotes it will involve manual work from you to undo that (that's why I said earlier it's not good to use it like that).

    Decide what kind of style you want and we go from there.
  • Thank you for all your help. @ the end I need both without brackets. The same format would work in both cases. My catalogue entries are some kind of a specific case. So I need the auther-date-system for footsnotes and for this kind of catalogue entries. But I can´t see a difference. Now I have the same problem with footsnotes. I need only a version without these brackets. That´s would be the style of my phd.
  • I think I understood already your point after I copied my old text to a new word file in which I have to decide between footnotes or endnotes.
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