Zotero url book icon retrieves inaccurate metadata
Aschehoug is a norwegian publisher and on their webpage a blue book zotero icon is available. The problem is that the metadata retrieved lacks information about publisher, place and author. Why does Zotero provide a book icon when the metadata retrieved is so poor?
Best regards Anne Brit
Best regards Anne Brit
bwiernikThe embedded metadata on that publisher page identifies the item as a book (which is what controls the icon), but otherwise is very low quality. Zotero relies on the data presented on a page, and some sites, like this one, give very low quality data. I suggest trying a different site. For books, you can also get very good item metadata by copying the book's ISBN number (see https://turbine.dk/produkt/kinderwhore/ for this book) and pasting it into the Zotero Add by Identifier (magic wand) tool.
AnnebritingholmThank you!