bibliography not updating

I've edited my bibliography on zotero (added some years, and modified some names and lastnames mistakes), and then I clicked refresh in the tab inside word, but then the bibliography inside the text stays the same. I tried deleting it and adding it again and didn't work either. also the citations inside the text stayed the same in the cases I modified the lastnames and/or years.
  • It's possible the citations are no longer linked to Zotero items and are using metadata embedded in the document, which could happen if you created the document on a different, non-synced computer (and used export/import to get data to this computer) or if you deleted items in Zotero (instead of using merging).

    Click a citation that's not updating, click Add/Edit Citation, click the blue bubble in the dialog, and look for a "Show in My Library" at the bottom at the bottom of the popup. If it's there, it should take you to the relevant item. If it's not, the citation is no longer linked and you'd need to reinsert the citation from your library.
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