Zotero Error Report ID 97769450

I've got some type of webdav error. I tried setting up a different account with 4shared to see if that would solve the problem, but it didn't.
Here is the error report text:
[JavaScript Error: "A potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.

An uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.

If Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble, please post to the Zotero Forums."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebDAV verification failed"]

[JavaScript Error: "XML Parsing Error: no root element found

Location: https://bruce_burnett@btinternet.com:****@webdav.4shared.com/zotero/

Line Number 1, Column 1:" {file: "https://bruce_burnett@btinternet.com:****@webdav.4shared.com/zotero/" line: 1}]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection to wss://stream.zotero.org/ has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection to wss://stream.zotero.org/ has terminated unexpectedly. Some data may have been transferred."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/."]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "Discarding invalid field 'publisher' for type 4 for item 1/null"]

[JavaScript Error: "Discarding invalid field 'publisher' for type 4 for item 1/null"]

[JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

[JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

version => 5.0.76, platform => Linux x86_64, oscpu => Linux x86_64, locale => en-GB, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 5.0.76, extensions => RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero (2.0.41, extension), Zotero LibreOffice Integration (5.0.20.SA.5.0.76, extension)

On checking the last successful update was in March 2019. I've still got copies on local machines and I don't often open documents on different machines so only discovered this recently. I'm also going to raise with 4shared as well.

Thanks in advance.

  • You don't really say what the problem is. What's the actual issue? Are you getting an actual error during syncing? What do you mean by "last successful update"?
  • Sorry,
    When I click on the synchronisation icon on the main screen of zotero desktop it appears to work, no error messages are produced. However if I click on a pdf that relates to an addition from another of my PCs then I can't access. I get a generic webdav problem message, and then some time later, the above error - from clicking the exclamation mark next to the synchronisation symbol.
    When I say update I mean that when I check on 4shared I only have files from on or before 25/3/19. The files are stored on their local PCs so I can access them from individual PCs if I remember which one I used - I add from 3 sources.

    I get the same warning message when I test the server connection:
    A potential problem was found with your WebDAV server.
    An uploaded file was not immediately available for download. There may be a short delay between when you upload files and when they become available, particularly if you are using a cloud storage service.
    If Zotero file syncing appears to work normally, you can ignore this message. If you have trouble please post to teh Zotero Forums.

    I haven't tried a different provider to 4shared yet, as I've been happy with 4shared.

  • edited November 8, 2019
    See Files Not Syncing. We'd want a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for the first sync attempt after adding a file locally.
  • Here is the Debug ID

  • edited November 8, 2019
    No files to upload for My Library
    That doesn't show any local files having changed. You saved an item with a linked-URL attachment, not a file.
  • I've tried again, as there was a file for the previous entry. It synched immediately after adding the item and I hit the synch button again to make sure there was an attempt to add the file. The debug id: D1786257576
  • (3)(+0000000): HTTP PUT https://********@webdav.4shared.com/zotero/KDXINVGH.zip succeeded with 200
    That shows a file being successfully uploaded, and you should see it on the WebDAV server.
  • When I click on a pdf from an item added from another machine I still get an error message:
    The attached file could not be found at the following path:

    /home/bruceb007/Zotero/storage/BSFH9DPV/Tseng et al. - 2014 - Application of machine learning to predict the rec.pdf

    It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to zotero.org.

    When I try locate it takes me to my local machine and has a can't locate error. I've run the debugging - D1096309322

    There is no corresponding folder on the webdav server
  • There is no corresponding folder on the webdav server
    Right, so then as explained on Files Not Syncing, the problem is on the other computer, and the relevant Debug ID would be on that computer.
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