How to display date of publication and notes.?

I have just had my C: drive up graded and had everything rebuilt, including reinstalling the latest version of Zotero. In the process I appear to have lost the ability to display anything in my library other than title and creator. Whichever I select from the dropdown menu eg title, creator, date or everything, all it displays is title and creator. Am I doing/not doing something silly? Any help would be gratefully received. Thanks
  • Whichever I select from the dropdown menu eg title, creator, date or everything, all it displays is title and creator.
    Are you referring to enabling additional columns in the items list? You don't do that in the search bar — that controls what you're searching for. You enable columns in the column picker in the top-right corner of the items list.
  • Yes, I've been using the column picker in the top right corner but it is making no difference.
  • Can you take a couple screenshots that show what you're describing — both the items list and the column picker with selections made — and upload them somewhere (e.g., Dropbox), and then provide a link here?
  • Thanks, I was being silly! and now sorted.
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