Further from my last post; I am now using Catalina and don't appear to have any issues with Zotero (would be good if somebody more knowledgable can confirm the likely source of my problem, I think Zotfile). However, when I extract annotations from my PDF's with Zotfile, the text from my highlights seems to have its spacing all messed up and becomes hard to read. Also, when I generate a report from the source parent item (to include the annotations etc.), the links that it creates don't work anymore (they don't work from the extracted annotations either). I use the links for these annotations (notes and highlights) when I am creating my mindmap in MindNode as I am reading and have ideas etc. I jot them down into a mindmap and rather than copy and past loads of reference data or similar; I use these links to refer back to the source for context. If I didn't somehow link the idea, text, thought etc... to the source, I may not remember the reason I had the idea etc. when I come to the writing stage. These links usually open Zotero > open pdf expert > scroll directly to the highlight or note that they relate to within the pdf. Now, they open Zotero and that all, the process stops there. Any ideas of a fix, workaround or another method would be hugely appreciated. I have posted this here because on the whole I haven't had any problems with Catalina & Zotero and felt it worth reporting back to the community. I will check the Zotfile website, as I imagine this will be a Zotfile issue as opposed to Zotero?
If you are, can you provide a Report ID after triggering this?