Fields vs bookmarks, *.odt vs *.doc


it says "Due to incomplete bookmark support in OpenOffice when saving files in .doc format, in-text citations in footnotes or endnotes and note-based styles cannot be used in Bookmarks mode. Version 1.0b4 of the Windows Word plugin does not yet enforce this restriction."

Does this mean that they do work in *.odt format? Or not at all? Is there a format for inserting citations that is inherently 'better' for any reason? What is the sharing situation like if Word is using the ODF plugin? Can anyone expand on what it means when fields can't be shared with if you are working in OO.o?
  • Also, I use Go-OO, does the restriction on fields apply to this implementation?
  • hmm - I'm not quite sure what you want to do:
    The "Best" format for citations is to use referencemarks/fields in word/open office respectively. The "sharing" between Word and Ooo hasn't worked great for me so far, but in any case, if you want to do that you'll need to use bookmarks. Is there a specific setting for which you need a solution?
    "Does this mean that they do work in *.odt format? Or not at all?"
    this means they do not work at all. You can just try it out: Start working in an Ooo document, select bookmarks, and try inserting a citation in a footnote. Ooo won't let you.
    Also, I use Go-OO, does the restriction on fields apply to this implementation?
    as far as I can see this is about fields. The problem above is about bookmarks. So no, the restriction doesn't apply.
  • Thanks, that clears things up a bit for me.
  • I have experimented with both ReferenceMarks and Bookmarks with two test files in OOo Writer 3.2.0 using the 3.0a7 Zotero OpenOffice Integration plugin under Win XP.

    I like the behavior of ReferenceMarks better. I won't go into details and my testing is naive though not cursory.

    As adamsmith said above, the best format for citations seems to be ReferenceMarks in OOo, but compatibility with Word requires using Bookmarks. However, in my case, I think I might be able to work around that by not switching back and forth.

    Is the following a reasonable strategy?
    Do all editing in OOo Writer using ODT as the file type.
    When I need a final version output in DOC format to share with those many who are attached to it, output a DOC type version after switching to Bookmarks.

    If future changes are needed, modify the ODT version only, then output a fresh DOC type version again.

    Do you see any problems with that strategy?
    Is there a simpler way or anything I am overlooking?
    Do I really do better to switch to Bookmarks before outputting the DOC version to make it easier for those who get the DOC copy to edit it in Word?
  • no guarantee, but I think that's a sensible strategy - I've never tried it, though. And no, I don't see a simpler option.
  • There is a neat feature to ReferenceMarks at least. I did not test it in Bookmarks.

    If you have changed your Zotero collections in a way that affects some of your paper citatons and you attempt to add a new citation, Zotero will prompt you for a replacement for the missing citation or allow you to keep the paper citation while eliminating the item from the paper bibliography.
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