How to remove parentheses?

edited February 21, 2018
I would like to know if there is a way to add a citation without parentheses in the paragraph? If so, How can I do that?
I can simply delete the parentheses, but this is not a wise way if I edit the referenced paper information. I am going to mess up everything in that case. Thank you.

  • No, you are able create citation in form "blablabla Author (year)" in text by suppress the author. But for form "bablabla Author year" you have to change the style template.
  • I noticed several long threads about the suprefluous brackets. Is there finally hope of letting the user have a say here? For me, it is a continuous nuisance that the references come in brackets. Most footnotes in my papers add a source for what I'm saying or quoting, e.g., Smith 2019, 66. There is no need whatever for brackets. Now I always have to use Unlink Citations and then manually remove the brackets before sending a paper somewhere.
    I have managed to edit a style and to change the prefix="(" statments to prefix="" but one problem is that after a while the style gets updated back to what it was. Even saving the edited style with a new name and importing it to Zotero does not help. (Sorry but I can't recall why exactly, it's been a while. I think the updated style did not appear in the list of styles in the Document Preferences).
    Today I in fact found an author-date style that does not use brackets (Religion in the Roman Empire). But the bibligraphy format omits many things necessitating manual editing there.
    So, when will the user be allowed to decide if they want to have brackets?

  • If you make your own style and remove the brackets you need to make sure to change the self-link, ID (lines 5-6) and the filename. Then it will not be overwritten.
    As explained in the documentation:

    You are allowed. You can just make your own style. (or ask for help here and we are generally very happy in helping if asked in a nice and friendly way.)

    (You could also use a note style that fits and switch it to an in-text style)
  • Many thanks, this works. And sorry; did not intend not to be nice and friendly.
  • edited September 27, 2019
    FYI, I've created a Word macro for personal use that will do this, but it is far from a perfect solution. In case it helps:
    (You would need to customize it on a per-style basis.)

    Another option would be, in principle, to remove the brackets from (a custom variant of) the style, then add them in manually to every normal citation. But that would be a lot of manual work, and it would not solve the author-only problem if that matters to you.
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