Update citation in word : no more "broken link" error message ?

First of all, I'm french, so please be easy on my english level !

-- Zotero version 5.0.66 --
Since a while, updating citation and bibliography in a Word document does not any more send/show the message of "unfindable link" (it appeared instead of the original citation, in french i guess it was "source du renvoi introuvable" ; i don't know exactly how it is in english).

Before, this message helped us to verify and correct the citation (by reediting it). Now, when the link is unfindable, there's no updating, that's all, without any alert.

So we have big troubles in some documents that are used since 2 or 3 years, as some duplicate entries in zotero have been deleted, and corrected meanwhile. Some of the cications in the very ancient chapters refers to deleted entries (a duplicate one), and the last citations to the only one that still remain in zotero.
So in bibliography, the both still appear, like "XXX 2012a ; XXX 2012b", even if it's the same book (and that's normal, I know).

This problem also concerns the citations that have been "imported" by cut and paste from another document, when it comes from an author who's not working in our lab. There is not "visible" alert that his citations refer to nothing in our zotero group library. So if we use the same book in our citations, there will be 2 entries in the bibliography.

How could we restore this message "source du renvoi introuvable" that was replacing the obsolete citations ? Is there an option for that ? This way, we could easily find and reedit the citations that cause troubles in bibliography.
Or is it due to our zotero version, that is not the last released one ?

(I hope it was clear enough ! Do not hesitate to submit futher questions !)

  • Sorry, there currently is no good way to check which references are unlinked. We have plans for the future to make them easier to work with, but for now you will have to check whether the entries are correct in the bibliography and reinsert the references where necessary.
  • OK thanks. So we just have to wait an update !
    But, before (version 4.x.x maybe ?), I'm quite sure there was a message instead each unlinked references. Or am I totally wrong ? I'm just curious... :)
  • There was a message if you did not have references stored in your document, which is now no longer optional.
    Having the references in the document does overall make referencing much more stable/reliable, even though it does have the problem you note.
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