Google Scholar Translator Failure

Getting this error:

"An error occurred while saving this item. See Troubleshooting Translator Issues for more information."

With this entry in the debug log:

[JavaScript Error: "Error: Failed to find title in "CAROLINA CONVENIENCE STORES, INC. v. City of Spartanburg, SC: Supreme Court 2016"
at ItemFactory.saveItem (eval at (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/inject/translate_inject.js:63:4), :619:9)
at scrapeCase (eval at (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/inject/translate_inject.js:63:4), :305:11)
at scrape (eval at (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/inject/translate_inject.js:63:4), :121:4)
at doWeb (eval at (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/inject/translate_inject.js:63:4), :111:3)
at (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/zotero/translation/translate.js:1382:49)
at loadPromise.then (chrome-extension://pbhldkcipcaeniadfnhhdaealdfjgbpj/zotero/translation/translate.js:1372:39)" {file: "[object Object]"}]

For this page:
  • Confirmed -- that's specifically single case views on google scholar, though. General google scholar import still works, as does importing cases from search results, e.g.,33&q=CAROLINA+STORES+v.+City+of+Spartanburg&btnG= for this one.

    We'll look at fixing individual cases, but might take a little.
  • Annoyingly, this seems to have gotten worse. I'm now unable to import from search results. Was there a recent change on this?
  • No, generally Google Scholar import still works. We'd need an exact URL as you see it. Also make sure you can access the BibTeX on Google Scholar directly by clicking on the quotation marks icon and then BibTeX
  • Thanks. Working now, even though I tried six different ways yesterday to get it to work. I suspect something may have temporarily gone wrong on Google's end.
  • If you use Google Scholar a lot to download data it will lock you out temporarily; that's most likely what you saw.
  • Debug ID D35918385. I am unable to save references from Google Scholar.

    Please help.

    [JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]

    [JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]

    [JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?removeTooltip=Don%27t%20show%20on%20this%20page". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
  • Same as above:
    We'd need an exact URL as you see it. Also make sure you can access the BibTeX on Google Scholar directly by clicking on the quotation marks icon and then BibTeX
  • Yes, we're aware that google scholar doesn't import properly when going through a proxy. This will almost certainly work fine without proxy and we're looking at a solution for the proxy issue.
  • Thank you. Is there a way for me to avoid the proxy if I am accessing Google Scholar through my university library website?
  • Probably not -- but is there a reason you need to access it through the library?
  • Hmm... that's how I've always done it. Do you suggest I access Google Scholar directly or just google the article?
  • I'm suggesting to go to not just google the article, no.
  • Just tried that. It did not work.
  • did it redirect you through the proxy, ie.. did you see in the URL?
  • That should certainly work and does for me. What exactly are you selecting, what happens?
  • When the article appears in Google Scholar, I click on the Zotero extension and select the article from the list. It seems as if it is about to add it to the bibliography as it says 'saving to...' my bibliography folder but then it stops. I have some luck adding articles to bibliography when I open the .pdfs in Google Scholar.
  • Does it matter which article you're selecting?
  • Doesn't seem so. I've tried a number of different ones.
  • As above, check if you can access the BibTeX manually through the Google Scholar interface. If this isn't working for you, there's a good chance Google is simply blocking downloading of the BibTeX, particularly if you've recently saved a lot of items.

    If you can access the BibTeX manually, can you provide another Debug ID from the connector for a save attempt? The one you provided above wasn't valid.
  • What can I do if Google is blocking the download? I can't see the BibTeX for my citations...
  • I'm afraid we can't help with that. You can try clearing cookies or using incognito mode.
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