Opening a Zotero edited Word in a PC with no Zotero installed

My boss is getting crazy trying to revise a word document I've sent her, which bibliography was added with Zotero. She has not installed Zotero in her computer, instead she uses Endnote. When opening the document in her computer, when trying to do any changes in the word processor (not even trying to change bibliography, just plain text) the document gets "crazy", the cursos moves, up and down, and results quite difficult to write. Any hint would be appreciated! Geraldine
  • edited September 10, 2019
    That would be a problem with Word, not with Zotero, and it's not something other people have reported. Zotero simply creates citations as standard Word fields, which Word should obviously be able to handle.

    To see if Word is having trouble with the fields for some reason, you can make a copy of the document, unlink the citations using the plugin, and have her try editing that version. If this is the end of the editing process and you won't need to make further non-manual changes to citations, that would be an appropriate thing to do anyway, particularly if she's not using Zotero herself (though having Zotero installed or not makes no difference in terms of editing the document — again, they're just standard Word fields).
  • Hi,
    Many thanks for the response, your suggestion indeed worked. I unlinked the citations and then we have no problems with the Word document.
    Thanks again, Geraldine
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