Zotero closes for no reason after every action
report ID: 96151240
Wahtever action I do, either try to open a file, extract metadata, change a setting, zotero closes after having performed that action.
Steps to reproduce:
start zotero,
click on literally anything
Wahtever action I do, either try to open a file, extract metadata, change a setting, zotero closes after having performed that action.
Steps to reproduce:
start zotero,
click on literally anything
Do you get any sort of error message?
While we don't normally recommend this, in this case you should try reinstalling Zotero, if you haven't yet, since this is obviously isn't a normal problem.
Also make sure that your OS and any system software you're running is up to date. You should also try restarting your computer.
The softwares just shuts down and no error message is dispalyed
Everything is up to date
This isn't a problem anyone else has reported, and without an error message there's not really much we can tell you, so you'll need to troubleshooting this on your own system, such as by finding some sort of error message in a system log.