Connecting Zotero and LyX

I´m writing a thesis in LyX and have been recommended to use Zotero for my references. So I tried to follow the steps in this guide:
and installed LyZ to connect LyX and Zotero.

Mozilla has apparently removed the LyZ add-on, but I found it at Github:

Under 2.4.1, step 9 in Wolfson's guide, it says "Now open LYX and goto Tools > Preferences > Paths and set LYXServer pipe to\\. pipe\lyxpipe" which I have done. I have also reconfigured and restarted LyX afterwards.

After that I followed the steps under 2.5 and opened a new LyX-document. But then when I open Zotero and try to right-click on my Solow paper and press “Cite in LYX”, it says:

"Wrong path to Lyx server.
Set the path specified in Lyx preferences." followed by "Could not contact server at: \\.\pipe\lyxpipe" and finally "Could not retrieve document name."

I have tried several times and have no clue why it is not working. Does anyone know what I have done wrong and perhaps offer some help?
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