Problem with Science Direct

Hi everybody,

I filled an error report, #1657307665

The thing is that, sometimes, science direct stops working, telling something about an error with the translator.
It happens now, for me, with any of the science direct articles I try. If I download a citation and then import it, it works, but it is a bit boring to do this every time. Zotero and Firefox are updated. With other sites it works. Sometimes it's fixed, sometimes not. The error is "Cb is not defined".

Anyway, it may be related, that also sometimes, Science Direct don't let me navigate with Firefox. When I have some tabs filled withs docs, every time I hit a link, it appears this:
Sorry, your request could not be processed because the format of the URL was incorrect. Contact the Help Desk if the problem persists. [SD-001]

It works with ie and if I use ietab extension. I know it's not related with zotero, but maybe someone has experienced this.

  • After years of trouble free operation I have suddenly started getting this message. Only with firefox, never with ie.

    Very odd seeing as I have updated neither zotero nor firefox.
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