Contrat de création de styles CSL en français


Nous sommes à la recherche de quelqu'un qui comprend le français pour créer quelques styles en français pour notre université (contrat rémunéré). Y a-t-il des experts CSL francophones intéressés par ce contrat?
  • @damnation how is your French? @bwiernik -- interested?

    I read French well, so if you're OK with me communicating in English, I'd also be happy to do this (and I've worked on a fair number of the current French styles) but writing French takes me way too long (and is embarassing...)
  • I can do it as well. My French writing is decent.

    @MarilouBourque Pouvez-vous m’enoyer une message privat avec votre addresse courriel?
  • I haven't got the time to do this, but feel free to ping me here for questions on obscure French formatting quirks and/or comprehension issues of the instructions.
  • Hi,

    I'll be able to do this most likely (depends on how complex), as long as you don´t mind that we communicate in English.
    You can find my email in one of the many PRs:
    Could you send me over what you would like?
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