Adding entry to the works cited section in Chicago Style without a corresponding in-text citaiton
I am using Zotero to write a manuscript, and the style is Chicago's author-date system. In this style, one can list the year of a work in running text and not include an in-text citation. An corresponding entry in the Works Cited section is still required. Can anyone explain how to do this? For example, If I write "In a 2006 article, Jane Doe argues that...", there would be no in-text citation but there would still need to be an entry for "Doe, Jane. 2006. ..." in the works cited section. Is there anyway to hide the in-text citation, have it appear without parentheses. My clumsy work around is simply to add a in-text citation at the end of the sentence and remember to delete it after I unlink the Zotero entries. Thanks in advance.
1. You can add items to the bibliography using "Add/edit bibliography" in the Word add-on
2. You can use suppress author to insert (2006) in the text and then manually delete the parentheses. That will prevent the citation from updating in the future, but that doesn't seem like it'd be an issue here.