Style behaving differently in style editor and in document (MS Word)


style ISO-690 (author-date, Slovak) is showing different behavior in the style editor and in the document. In the style editor I see everything correctly and as I would like to have it in the document:

However, in the document in Bibliography incomplete information is shown. See: (this is from Add/Edit Bibliography)
This is how it appears in the actual document:

When I use funcion in Zotero: Create Bibliography from item, the information is complete like shown in the editor. Just with Word plugin in the document it is wrong.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
  • That suggests it is not the same version of the item. Delete the item from your word document and reinsert it, ensuring it is the same exact item in your library.
  • Yes, checked that again and the item that was inserted was actually from another group library. Thanks for pointing me to the right direction!
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