Zotero app not recognizing Brave as default browser Win10

I've just installed Zotero on Windows 10. Brave is my system default browser.

Clicking a link in the Zotero app that points to a webpage (to the Quick Start Guide, for example) I get a pop-up saying that there is no associated/default app. It is not seeing the Brave browser as the default. If I change the system default browser to Firefox or to Chrome, it works just fine. Is there a setting I can change so that Zotero will see Brave as my default browser?

Thank you!
  • Zotero doesn't know anything about specific browsers — it just launches webpages via the OS. If clicking a link in some other program opens the link in a browser, the same should happen in Zotero. (Note that there could be a difference between the default browser for URLs and the default browser for .html files on disk, but for the Quick Start Guide it'd be the former.)
  • Thank you for your reply. The problem is with Brave/Win10 and I have not solved it yet. My OS is pointing Zotero toward the Old Brave (Muon) which is, ahem, uninstalled, instead of the New Brave (Core).

    When I have both the Old and the New Brave installed, Zotero opens in the Old. If I 'uninstall' the Old, I break Zotero. The Old app will not completely uninstall, which is apparently a known issue. Both Old and New have the same icons in Settings > Apps. I have tried various combinations of choosing default apps by file type, by protocol, by app.

    I believe the problem would be resolved if I could completely uninstall the Old and do a clean install of the New. There are discussions on the interwebs about how to completely delete the Old Brave from one's PC, but nothing I've tried has worked for me. I have uninstalled/reinstalled both Old and New, I have deleted hidden Brave files in Safe Mode, I have restarted my computer many times. The only thing I have NOT done is tamper with my registry, because I have not found clear instructions about what I should change.

    I will keep googling. When I find a solution I will be sure to post here, hoping the information is useful to someone in the future.
  • Follow-up:

    I did not figure out how to completely remove the Old Brave browser that was breaking Zotero. To resolve the problem, I did a Windows 10 Fresh Start which removes all third-party apps. I figured I was spending hours trying to fix something that I didn't know how to fix, so why not spend those hours doing a clean install of my laptop. Success!
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