Export Bib with Abstracts include

Hello. I request help to create a CSL style that would export bibliographies with abstracts included. Preferably APA format. I have read the other recent post concerning this and still cannot create one.

Thank You
  • I second your request! I have just spent three hours trying to figure out how to do it or if it has already been done. I know it would be a simple modification of a csl file for someone who knows how to edit and write csl.
  • edited May 28, 2009
    The abstract field can be called in CSL by using the line
    <text variable="abstract"/>inside the layout element of the bibliography section of the CSL style.
  • Has someone already created this style? I don't trust myself to learn the CSL to do it, and it seems someone must have done it already.
  • The only styles in the Zotero repository that have abstract are bibtex.csl & all.csl. Many styles will display the contents of the 'extra' field, though. Placing the abstract in that field or replace the use of 'note' in the csl file with 'abstract' might be suitable work-arounds & would follow an established style more closely
    I don't trust myself to learn the CSL
    The addition is a single line; the worst that can happen is that you place that somewhere it shouldn't be & the style won't validate. You can fix that easily & position the abstract exactly where you'd like.
  • It's funny that this is a default inclusion in Endnote, and yet is advanced in Zotero. Bibtex and all.csl don't look very usable for everyday bibliographies (lots of extraneous characters). I added the abstract line, now how do I set it off with a carriage return?
  • It's funny that this is a default inclusion in Endnote, and yet is advanced in Zotero.
    I don't know what you mean by this. I'm not aware of any EndNote styles that print the abstract (or publications/style guides that ask for abstracts explicitly. If your new style is being coded to the guidelines of some publication or you think it would otherwise be useful, by all means contribute it!
    I added the abstract line, now how do I set it off with a carriage return?
    <text variable="abstract" display="block"/> will probably work.
  • The "Annotated" style in Endnote includes the abstract . I find this really useful for working documents- not for submission.
    Thanks for the code suggestion. To be annoying- Is there a way to do a double carriage return (i.e., get a space between the citation and the abstract)?
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