Bibliography and non-existant refereneces

A user of our group library is having an issue with the bibliography. A reference was added to the group library, it "appears" that he used it, then it was either modified or replaced with a new one, I can't determine which is the case. I know the title of the available reference is different from what is downloaded from pubmed because we format them with super and subscript tags.

The bibliograph is showing
1 (cite)
2 (cite)
8 New Citation - correct
9 Old Citation - does not exist in library
(rest of bibliography)

In Word, with Field Codes Toggled "On", we searched for the 9 citation - it does not exist in the text of the document (we found all the 8s), but 9 still shows in the bibliography. We have deleted the biblio, deleted all the citations, refreshed, blah, blah - can't seem to get rid of the 9 citation which doesn't exist in the library.

How can we fix this?

If it helps the citation is:
Functional characterization of a cloned human kidney Na+:HCO3- cotransporter, Amlal, Wang, Burnham, Soleimani, 1998
  • If you're _not_ using a numbered citation style, as a work around you can remove items from the bibliography using "edit bibliography"
    But since that will leave the numbering as is, it won't work for numbered styles.

    If the 9 citation is indeed still in the document, the reference information (i.e. authors, title etc.) should appear in the field codes, so you should be able to search for that, have you tried that?
  • Yes - we tried removing - but we are using number style. Searching turned up nothing.

    After hours wasted - we have the answer - hope this helps someone else.
    Microsoft is to blame. The old citation WAS USED in the "Footnotes and Endnotes" section of the document - however that section will not display field codes. There is no "Toggle Field Codes" for "Footnotes and Endnotes". Maybe there is a way to display the field codes, but I couldn't find it in 5 minutes of googling.

    Thanks for your quick response adamsmith.
  • Hello reg_saus

    I have the same problem and can not fix it. I read your solution but I still do not know how to remove or find the old citations. There is nothing written in the footnote section except page numbers...

    I really need a solution to this problem, my god, I´m so desperate ^^

    For me is like: The bibliograph is showing
    1 (cite)

    3 (cite)

    (rest 144 of bibliography)

    number 2 citation is not desplayed (and deleted from the bibliography but the numbercount still does not do:

    1 (cite)
    2 (cite)

    but just continues with 3 after 1 ......


    What can I do? Any ideas, please help!!!
  • @adamsmith

    yes I did that but that didn´t help. What can I do besides that?
    Thank you for your answer!

    How exactly did you make it work @reg_saus
  • So you see no empty field codes between citation 1 and 3? Which citation style? Have you tried switching to a different style and back?
  • Hi! no empty field codes. an own created citation style. But at other styles the same problem, yep I tried switching them.
    I try to post some pics:
  • I wouldn't search for 113 but rather check if there are any field codes between 112 and 114 (and 64 and 66 respectively). Given that the 113 doesn't appear, it may not be in there.
  • edited March 28, 2019
    can´t do that. All I see is: (added the picture also in the link above)
    " ADDIN ZOTERO_BIBL {"omitted":[[""]],"custom":[]} "
  • That actually may explain part of it: For some reason the bibliography is set to leave out one cited item. If you go to edit bibliography and then reset, that should fix itself (I'm guessing that's going to be 113).

    For 65, you want to look for hidden fields in the text between 64 and 66
  • How canI make the field codes show in the bibliographie?
  • You cant, the bibliography doesn't have field codes
  • I just freaking closed and opened it again (after a major other error occurred when I was trying to change something again). And now it solved itself.

    Don´t know why it would´nt before.

    But many thanks for your time and effort @adamsmith, really appreciate it!
  • @adamsmith

    ok so, it managed to fix the one issue.

    But now the citation numbers in the text do not match the ones in the bibliography.

    When I try to update them, it says

    trying to go through again now...
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