New citation type: Research data/dataset
Are there any plans to include research data/datasets in the list of citation types? For more info on how to cite research data, cf.
type: dataset
to the Extra field. When the dataset type is added, these items will likely be automatically migrated. I've taught quite a few Zotero workshops and given this advice; students don't generally find it very difficult.Datasets entered as described above will automatically migrate to the proper item type once it exists.
Could you please clarify some issues?
1. Should we add "itemType: dataset" (as suggested above), or "type: dataset" (as suggested here: I have tested both. They render the same result, but will bot be automatically migrated to the proper item type once it exits?
2. Should we use the Item Type Journal Article (as suggested above), or Document (as suggested here: I have tested both. They render the same result, but will bot be automatically migrated to the proper item type once it exits?
3. None of the possible combinations of any of the solutions above (1, 2) result in citations in line with best practice recommendations (see e.g. Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, DataCite), somewhat depending on the citation style used. For instance, reference created with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th. ed. are missing information about version, resource type (dataset), and fixity (e.g. UNF). APA (6th. ed.) is missing information about fixity (e.g. UNF). I have tested this with this dataset: Is there a way to get these elements included other than adding them manually in the manuscript?
4. What approach should we choose when needing to add references to parts of datasets? For instance, how should a Zotero reference record look like for this dataset file:
2) Document is generally better. It doesn’t really matter because the `type` value in Extra overrides the chosen type. Document is chosen for the user experience—Document is rarely used and has a different icon. Both will eventually migrate to a proper dataset item because of the `type` value.
3) To add those other pieces of information, add additional fields to Extra, such as `version` or `medium` (for resource type). I don’t know what “fixity” means (publisher?). To be frank with these, though, I’d say that none of them are particularly important so long as you include the DOI (to the specific version if needed).
4) Treat this the same as an item for the whole dataset, being sure to include the DOI for the specific part.
4) No one really knows how to cite parts of datasets as a matter of style, but the RDA data citation WG indeed suggests just treating them as datasets with unique DOIs.
4) One of our principles is not to treat data citation unnecessarily differently from citation of scholarly publication. To cite a part of dataset would then correspond to citing a part of monography, e.g. This means that the whole dataset should be mentioned in the reference in a correct way including PID, but in my attempts with Zotero as described above, it doesn't. I have tried several citation item types, e.g. part of book.
As you are encountering, most citation styles are not written to expect any field to potentially be present for any item type, so variables like version or container title won’t necessarily show up for all styles (APA might be the only one where I would expect all of these to work). Supporting additional variables for data citations in a style that doesn’t show them would require editing the CSL style.
3 b) Part of the issue is what to do with citation styles that don't prescribe a dataset format (i.e. most of them). Chicago, e.g., has a terrible section on "citing data from a scientific database" that shows no awareness whatsoever about the conversation about data citations. At the same time, I'm not sure how comfortable I am to just make something up. I'd be open for adding version to Chicago dataset citations, though. That seems reasonable (though ideally not necessary; the version should really be captured by the PID, though admittedly that's not the case in many data repositories, including the Dataverse family).
type: dataset
in Extra in Zotero. Zotero has started with updates of item types/fields, so we're hopefully pretty close.Version: 3.1
for details. I'm giving a workshop on adding dataset metadata to Zotero in April and they've promised me to get the actual item type live until then, so we're hopefully quite close.
Identifier - number
repo - publisher
repo location - publisher-place
format - medium