Remove 'accessed date' from Vancouver referencing style

I want to remove the date accessed/date cited in Vancouver referencing style.

For example:
WHO | State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals - 2012 [Internet]. WHO. [cited 2019 Jan 28]. Available from:

Mohseni M, Azami-Aghdash S, Gareh Sheyklo S, Moosavi A, Nakhaee M, Pournaghi-Azar F, et al. Prevalence and Reasons of Self-Medication in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery [Internet]. 2018 Oct [cited 2019 Jan 10];6(4):272–84. Available from:

I notice this occurs when referencing websites and particular journal articles. Can someone please provide me with step-by-step instructions on how to do this?
  • In the “Cite” pane of Zotero preferences, uncheck the box to “include URL for paper articles”. That will address the URL and related content for articles. For websites, following Vancouver style, I would recommend keeping the access date. Let me know if you want steps to change that (a bit more involved).
  • Basically what I want is to have in-text references that are numbered - i.e. to look like this (1,2). And then in the reference list to be: (1) Author, Title, Year, doi/url. I just don't want the date referenced as it is a book that I am writing.

    I am happy to change to any other referencing style that will enable this if you suggest. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
  • Are you able to provide me with the steps to remove the access date, please?
  • Wondering if someone could give me specific instructions on how to remove the accessed date from Vancouver referencing style?
  • Vancouver is a fairly involved style with the online markers spread across it, so good instructions would take a long time. If you don't have specific requirements beyond numerical, basic citation info, and no access date, it'll be easiest for you to just browse the previews for numeric styles -- there a whole bunch that fulfill those basic criteria. You'll want to look for the Tesla Motors item to check on the access dates.
    One style that would appear to meet your basic description is but that's really just the first one going by alphabet. There are going to be dozens of others.
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