MHRA - artwork (painting) problem

Hi I have two problems with referencing a painting in Zotero using MHRA style.

1. How can I include location of the archive? Simply the city where a museum, or an archive is located.
2. The MHRA style guide presents the template for a footnote of a painting (following zotero's nomenclature) as this:

Name Surname, title, date, medium, artwork size, archive, location.

but Zotero exports only this as a footnote:

Name Surname, title, date, archive.

Is there some way to fix it, or the only solution is to change footnotes 'manually'?

  • Which item type are you using for paintings?
  • @damnation -- it's in the subject: they're using artwork
  • @Mazan you can add the location of the archive/museum as
    archive-place: Paris in Zotero's "Extra" field and citation styles will be able to pick it up.

    As you noticed, though, our MHRA style doesn't currently have artwork properly implemented, so this likely won't do something immediately. We'll take a look at improving that, but may not be super quick, so depending on deadline, you'll have to manually fix the footnote.
  • thanks, Adam! Never hard to work with artwork before, so wasn't sure (and didn't look) that there is a specific item type.

    I've just submitted a PR to include the artwork medium and dimensions. Could you test it? (right click and save as)
  • @adamsmith many thanks, i didnt know that I can use 'extra' field for that.

    @damnation WOW, it works perfectly! Thank you very much!

    In terms of the issue with the location, the solution for me is simply to use 'archive' and put for instance Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, and it is solved.

    Thank you both again!
  • edited January 22, 2021
    That fix above from damnation (2 years ago) fixed the dimensions and medium being missing - but currently using v and surprised the fix is not now part of the standard release.
  • Not sure what you mean -- that got merged and is part of the MHRA style on :
  • Until I applied the above "PR" under @Mazan - see 7/1/2019 - Zotero did not populate the medium or dimensions part of an Artwork's footnote in MHRA / Word (this was earlier today). I then applied the above and those two fields were populated as expected.
  • edited January 23, 2021
    OK- I'm probably demonstrating I don't understand the way the .csl file above works. In MHRA, I added some art works into Zotero which included the Medium and Dimension fields being populated. Then I added a footnote in Word for those artworks and the Medium and Dimension fields were absent from the footnote. I then clicked on the .csl file, then hit Refresh in the Zotero tab in Word and the two missing fields appeared. However, the next time I added an Artwork the two fields were missing again - and all the earlier footnotes lost those fields too - even after hitting Refresh. So I clicked on the .csl file again and Refresh and all appeared. So is there any way of getting the Medium and Dimension fields to be populated in footnotes by default? Without having to go through this process everytime.?
  • Something went wrong when updating the style. The version linked above includes medium and dimensions in footnotes but not the bibliography; the current version includes it in the bibliography but not footnotes. It should obviously be in both. We'll take a look (the reason it disappears in footnotes for you is that styles update automatically if a newer version is available on
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