Page numbers prefix

I have been trying to modify styles like APA 6th ed. in order to get a colon instead of p./pp before page numbers:

As is known (Brid, 2009: 22–33; Phen, 2014: 22–33), Trof and Is (2017: 22–33 and 2018: 22-33) are right.

but at most I get this:

As is known (Brid, 2009 pp. : 22–33; Phen, 2014 pp. : 22–33), Trof and Is (2017 pp. : 22–33 and 2018 pp. : 22-33) are right.

How can I DELETE the p./pp. prefix before page numbers in APA? Thank you for any help.

Gabriele Azzaro
  • You probably want to keep the labels if a location other than a page is cited (e.g., a chapter). So, find the macro <macro name="citation-locator"> and change it to:
    <macro name="citation-locator">
    <if locator="page"/>
    <else-if locator="chapter">
    <label variable="locator" form="long" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
    <label variable="locator" form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator" prefix=" "/>

    Then, change the <layout> section of the <citation> area of the style to:
    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
    <group delimiter=": ">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>
  • Is this modification for a specific journal or publisher?
  • THANK YOU bwiernik! Works to a tee! It is for Cambridge Scholars, who are pretty flexible, but I like to avoid p./pp.
  • Trying to do it in Chicago 17th ed., now, but I cannot find any , just lots of different locator-types. Will have fun on it...
    Thanks again.
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