When following the APA 6th edition guidelines, the first in-text citation should include all authors when there are 3 to 5 authors the first time the in-text citation is used. Zotero is not following this and is instead listing one author's name followed by et al.,. Is there a way to change this?
b) I am currently redoing all of my citations in a work document to synch my references in Zotero because I have never used the program before. Can Zotero recognize my citations even if I have never used the program before to enter them?
c) There are 3 to 5 authors
(See https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/sentence_casing btw. to get proper casing in the citations)
Thank you for the casing help :)
Did you use Mendeley before? Zotero would recognize those references, but not those of any other reference manager.
No, I have not used Mendeley - I did my citations/references manually.
(Jagadeesh et al., 2015) or (Jagadeesh et al. 2015)?