How are Group Discussions meant to work?

I have a group and want to discuss a paper with other members of that group. I cannot, for the life of me, see how to initiate a group discussion. Could someone tell me how to start a new discussion thread please?
Also, are discussions private within the group?
  • Group discussions can be started (and seen) on the groups landing page, which has the URL[groupID] where group ID is a number

    That's the page you get to when you click on the group's name on

    Group discussions need to be enabled ("enable comments") in the group settings by an administrator.

    Group discussions for private groups are private. I believe all group discussions for public groups are public, even where the group is closed, but I'm not 100% sure.
  • edited January 28, 2018
    Thanks Adam, that is very helpful
  • I am not seeing the discussion I created on the group's landing page. I can only see the discussion on the general "groups" page where all my groups show up. Help?
  • Click on Manage Profile for one of the groups and be sure Enable Comments is checked.
  • It is enabled or I would not have been able to create a discussion in the first place.
  • And now, three hours later, it is showing up on my landing page. I did not change any settings. Why the lag?
  • It showed up immediately when I enabled discussions for one of my groups just now, so I suspect it was likely just a temporary bug.
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