Error message: "Zotero could not write the receipt...'

I am installing the Word plug-in for Mac 2008 (the latest alpha version) and I get almost to the end of the installation when this error message pops up:

"Zotero could not write the receipt for "Zotero Word Integration" I have been looking in the forums

I use OS X 10.5 on an Intel mac. Any thoughts?
  • This sounds like a permissions issue on your system. You might try Repair Disk Permissions in Disk Utility to see if that fixes it.
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but no luck. I am happy to send logs, but not sure what I need to do to give you info that is useful. Please advise and I will try. Thanks again.
  • (For starters, I suspect the actual error message was "The installer could not write the receipt...", since this is an installer error, not a Zotero error.)

    I also suspect you're using a non-admin user account on OS X? If that's the case, unless you can temporarily make your account an admin account, you may need to wait, since there appears to be a problem in the way PackageMaker (the Apple installer) works when admin authorization isn't requested by the installer. I didn't create the installer, so I don't know the details here, but we'll see if there's a way around this.

    There are also various workarounds you could do to install the plugin now, but unfortunately those are a bit complicated to explain.
  • i am having the same problem as stated here. I am the machine admin and I have tried repairing permissions. admin authorization is requested by the installer and I enter the proper credentials. any help would be appreciated
  • I'm not sure why you're having this problem with an admin account, but you can try the latest version from SVN, which fixes issues with the installer. This version of the plugin hasn't been officially released, so use with care.
  • I was having the same error. This fixed my problem.
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