This page breaks Zotero
Looks like this page was created in dreamweaver and uses a commercial javascript menu system from Milonic Solutions a United Kingdom based company.
Maybe their js is causing the problems?
Looks like this page was created in dreamweaver and uses a commercial javascript menu system from Milonic Solutions a United Kingdom based company.
Maybe their js is causing the problems?
Could you define "breaks Zotero"?The "Create New Item from Current Page" function, I guess you mean. Yeah, seems to hang Firefox. We'll take a look.
Your conclusion, however, is correct. "Create New Item from Current Page"--fails.
First it triggers the following warning:
A script on the page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.
And presents me with three choices each with its own button:
Stop script
Debug script
Sometimes, however, it seems to kill Zotero; Zotero stops displaying my enteries and instead says "Firefox needs to restart" which I do whilst I hold my breath, face North, and attempt to communicate with the Gods--from yours, theirs, and those which live, have lived, and will live inside my computer, my software, your software, their software, etc. Whatever I've said to them--I really can't remember what said--seems to have worked as I have not lots my Zotero data.
But, I did have some problems with my rental car this past you think the Gods in my computer, or your computer, or their computer said something bad about the computer in my rental car? Maybe it was one of the computers, or some of the software, at the rental car company...Can you suggest an appropriate offering?